melanie risch


I am interested in the handmade web, and believe that the internet, like anything in this world, is both more beautiful and more interesting when it's made by individuals, with heart.

This site was handcoded by me using html and javascript and is hosted on glitch.

Other sites I've coded by hand: // a virtual garden and seed library, where people can request/trade/share seeds and find resources about seedsaving.

there is only make // a collaboration with my friend morgan, for a remote, any-medium art community that meets weekly (currently on hiatus).

h-o-m-e-p-a-g-e // an abstract website about the places I've lived, made during a sunday sites session (best viewed on a desktop screen). // a professional website for my friend who's a radio producer at NHPR.

I also occasionally design Squarespace sites like this one I made for Mountain Gardens, a botanical garden and off-grid land experiment where I lived and worked for 3 years.